Several kinds of disabilities can assail a human being. One such disability is Dysgraphia, which is a problem connected with an individuals writing ability. A person affected with Dysgraphia possesses incorrect or distorted writing. Bad handwriting, wrong spellings and the difficulties they exhibit while trying to put their ideas on paper are some indications of this disability. Such individuals, in general, possess an above average IQ.
Dysgraphia is caused by a sort of dysfunction of the nervous system, in other words, brain disorder. Dysgraphia may exist in two forms- specific and non-specific. A person might be mentally retarded, having less attendance in the school or be psycho-socially deprived. These may add up to non-specific Dysgraphia, whereas specific Dysgraphia results from coordination problems and lack of spelling and language skills.
Dysgraphia consists of three categories:
Motor Dysgraphia: An individual with this disability, has weak muscle tone, lacks sharp motor skills and dexterity and shows motor clumsiness. The spellings may not be accurate, but they are able to write a small paragraph and their letter formation is satisfactory....