Nowadays, every time you apply for a loan you will most likely be offered payment protection insurance. If you are taking out a particularly large loan, the idea may seem very attractive. These insurance policies will take over repayments on your loans in the event of losing your job or being involved in a medical emergency. But what are the true costs and benefits of this type of? Given that over a billion pounds is spent in Britain on this kind of insurance annually, it is worth asking yourself.
The Cost Of Insurance
The fact of the matter is that the lending industry has become more and more competitive in recent years. With interest rates getting lower and lower, lenders have sought to find out ways of increasing their returns. One of the ways they have come up with is to offer various additional products that accompany the loan, such as payment protection insurance. What may come as a surprise is that payment protection can often cost as much as the loan interest repayments. The payment protection repayments can, incredibly, effectively double the cost of the loan. With such startling consequences, it is imperative that consumers think carefully...