The adventure begins. As you enter into a loan process, be diligent in expressing your concerns with questions you need answers to. Fining out your plans, and the results you want from refinancing your home is our beginning point.
You went through a long drawn out process of paperwork here – paperwork there in buying your home. In refinancing, its not that drastic because you have established yourself as a home owner.
Helping you get those results, we discuss your consumer history (credit report). Its the primary source of direction you go through in the details of your new home mortgage program. Important items that you provide are used in the pre-qualification steps as your loan request package is put together.
Your consumer history report shows a lot about how you manage your spending income. Scores are assigned by the Credit Bureaus based upon their grading principles from 350 to 800. They receive reports from almost every kind of lender whether a department store, an auto loan, to a doctor expense. The percentage of consumers who experience bumps on their credit is very high. Its how you handle the bumps that counts the most in your...