Loan Protection Insurance Can Help To Keep You Debt Free If You Should Lose Your Income
If you have loan repayments to make each month and worry how you would continue to repay them if you should suddenly lose your income through having time off work due to accident, sickness or becoming unemployed, then loan protection insurance is the solution.
A loan protection insurance policy would give you an income with which you could continue to meet your loan repayments each month after you had been out of work for a certain length of time. The waiting period for claiming depends on the provider and this can be from the 31st day of being out of work right up to the 90th day and the majority of policies are then backdated to day one. Once the policy has started then it would continue to give you a tax free income for up to 12 months and with some providers for up to 24 months.
All loan protection insurance policies do have reasons which can stop you from claiming against them and some of the usual include if you are suffering from an illness or have been within the last 2 years, if you are retired or if you only work in part time employment. It is essential that...