A pound from one lender is as good as a pound from another. So when you’re shopping for a loan, the key issue becomes the interest rate. Consequently, when you read press advertisements and visit web sites, the Annual Percentage Rate of interest (APR) highly influences which lenders or loan brokers you apply to. After all, the government introduced APR’s as a standard calculation that every lender has to use, precisely to help the public make reliable comparisons.
But who’s checking that the APR’s are calculated correctly? Could some be cheating by promoting a lower APR than the rate they’re entitled to? The commercial success of a promotion can be hugely improved by a really low APR. We think some must be tempted, don’t you?
In a survey 92% of all loan advertisements checked quoted an APR Typical. (You’ll find below, a detailed explanation of what APR actually means including its variants). The APR Typical means that at least 66% of applicants approved for a loan are offered that APR rate or cheaper . No one included in that two thirds will have been offered a higher rate than the stated APR Typical.
The problem...