Loans Are Not Just For Christmas. Surviving The Holiday Debt Hangover.
Christmas is coming – A time for decorations, songs, over-eating, gift giving, visiting the family, consumer spending and the increasing of personal debts. Bah humbug.
While most people see Christmas as a joyful period there are many who see it as a time of financial worry as they cannot afford to buy presents for everyone. For these people it is often the doorstep lenders who will be getting fatter rather than them and their family. The temptation is to simply put the expenses on the credit card or take out a loan to be paid back on the never-never. Unfortunately this can lead to disastrous results in the long-term, as the recent increase in the number of repossession order applications are testimony.
There are a few simple rules can help to prevent a post festive period financial hangover though.
Firstly, dont ignore the problem. The longer you leave a debt problem, the worse it will become.
If things seem desperate then contacting a free organisation such as National Debtline (0808 808 4000) can help by giving debt advice over the phone, or by providing booklets...