If you work for yourself, then finding a good loan deal can sometimes be difficult. With less means to prove that you have a stable income and so are not a risk, lenders are less inclined to offer you a good deal. However, with more and more people becoming self-employed this is changing, and there are some great deals around. If you are self-employed and need some help to find the right loan, then here are some useful tips to help you out.
Who is self-employed?
People classified as self-employed can be in a wide variety of jobs and pay categories. Anyone how operates a business as a sole proprietor, is a partner in a partnership, or an independent contractor, is classed as self-employed. If you also work in any role as a freelance agent, such as a consultant, then you are classed as self-employed also.
How to apply for a loan
Applying for a self-employed loan is much like applying for any other type of loan. All you need to do is have a decent credit history and be able to prove your income. How well you can prove your income will depend what business you are in and how long you have been self-employed. The better you can prove your income then the...