In the world of today, payday loans are as common as instant coffee. If you are desperately in need of some cash before your paycheck comes in, it is quite respectable to look for help to a bank that provides payday loans. This is very different from the days when a borrower was generally looked down upon. Things are very different today. The reason is certainly the expansion of the world of personal finance, and the transformation in the attitudes of the public.
In the world of today, people look for instant gratification. It is not that people no longer try to save up for the bigger investments of life. However, thanks to the rise of credit cards and debit cards and loans of all kinds, we are all more keen to buy things outright. The feeling today is that repayment of loans is no longer a problem. The easy terms of the loan providers have resulted in this attitude to some extent. However, I would say that this is a manifestation of a change in the thought process of people in general. The change in attitude and the easy terms are both linked, each feeding off the other, and it really is quite a task to decide which one came first — the old chicken and egg...