What is it about song downloads that makes it so much fun to search for them? Is it because virtually every song imaginable is online in some form, typically through music stores, and record company websites? Or is it the fun of sharing music with friends, and family? Whatever the reason, song downloads are as popular now as they have ever been. Finding song downloads can be a difficult task if one does not know where to look. Further, song downloads can cost different amounts at different sites. Just like shopping for your favorite grocery item at the cheapest store possible, you should look for song downloads at the cheapest price online possible.
One place to check out all the latest song downloads is emusic, the place for independent, and rare songs. Similar to itunes, emusic offers its customers a special software application that helps them download songs fast. The best part of emusic is the price per download. Typically a music download will cost anywhere from 75 cents to 1 dollar. At emusic the cost is only 25 cents, and some are even less than that.
Another great place to download music is itunes. What might be the most popular song download site on the...