The bathtub is known for more than one thousand years. The most ancient baths, discovered during excavations of Cronos’s palace on Isle of Crete, date back to III century B.C. The ceramic baths discovered by archeologists were 2500 years old, but they were very similar to modern ones. By the way, one of the first bronze baths was discovered during excavations at Pompeii. At that time the baths were made of marble and terracotta. We also know that rich citizens of Greece and Rome had silver and even golden pools.
During excavations in one ancient city in India the archeologists discovered baths which age was more than 5 thousand years! Those “washing containers” were in each house of that city and its water facilities were very circumspect.
So even in old time people have appreciated curative properties of water. There is another historical fact. 2 thousand years ago sacred Hindu books “Science of life” contained the following phrase: “The water current is curative; water cools the fever heat and cures any illness”.
Culture of washing and stance on cleanliness of human body during different ages were reflected in...