It is important to make the right choice of binder material for marble laying. Using cement grout or adhesive leads in some period to appearance of irremovable spots on the marble surface – absorbed saline and coloring additives. That is why it is recommended to apply special adhesive solution and plaster. If you take into account these nuances and pay attention to them in future, then not only you, but also your children and grandchildren will be able to admire the stone beauty.
Marble treatment.
As to operations characteristics, marble is practically eternal. However, it needs care and protection from aggressive environment – dust, water, salt, sand and acid. Thereto special agents are used: reinforcers, polishes, stone impregnations, cleaning solutions, mastic and even beeswax.
It concerns first of all polished floors. The main enemy of the polished surface is dirt, that is why it is necessary to take care of multistage protection system and regular surface cleaning. Wax protection coating improves decorative appearance of the stone, protects it and allows to wash the stone surface with water. For unprotected stone floors there also exist...