Loneliness makes people unhappy and often leads to serious cases of Anxiety
It was the biggest story to break in 2007. The gripping violence glued thousands on their t.v. screens. Cold and calculated, a South Korean student went on a rampage, killing 30 more people till he also died with his own weapon.atching the news cuts through the heart and sent shivers down the spine of an entire nation that witnessed the tragedy at Virginia Tech, and years earlier, the gruesome shootings at Columbine.
A profile of the gunman based from the numerous interviews with his relatives, professors and fellow students indicates that the gunmen looks like suffering from severe emotional distress, having suicidal thoughts, projects depressed moods and socially isolated. Based on recent studies, a person who is constantly isolated is extremely lonely.
Loneliness is the absence of having friends, but having many friends may not guarantee happiness,however, it plays an important role in a person’s mental health according to some psychologist. Having good social relationships makes a person more extroverted and less neurotic. The lack of social networks is perhaps, one...