Managing money would have been so much easier if these pesky little expenses did not keep popping up! The best that one can do is to put away all one’s savings in a bank for the future and try to not to go overboard with one’s spending. . Today when stores sell products and services on credit and one can faces no problems in shopping with a credit card; we can clearly see how spending limits have increased. Thanks to credit cards, the buyer can put off thinking about payments for the purchase for over a month. It is a little like magic. Spend now, pay never! Well, not really never, as you do have to pay at the end of the month. Thus, if such a person makes a purchase which he really cannot afford, he will be going beyond his means by inviting a debt that he will need to repay. Spending money that you do not have is one of the most common mistakes that people make. And, as we all know, it is a mistake that comes with a heavy price. Sometimes it is that fashionable dress, at other times it is a gizmo. We run up credit card bills with gay abandon.
I think of being perpetually indebted as the same as being perpetually ill. This illness called debt drains you of...