Looking For An Acne Skin Care Treatment Product That Works
I guess you never thought you would be looking for an acne skin care treatment product once you had put your teenage years behind you?
We all associate acne with teenagers but more and more people are suffering from pimples in their twenties and thirties. Pregnant women in particular often find they develop acne due to hormonal changes.
If you had severe acne as a teenager but have had no pimples since, you may experience an attack in the run up to the menopause. Again fluctuating hormone levels are to blame.
But what is acne and how can it be treated? Acne usually appears for the first time in puberty when the sebaceous glands are getting bigger. We all need the oil these glands produce in order to keep our skin supple. These oils should drain away but sometimes the pore can become blocked.
Blackheads are the pores that remain open the air and the dirt give them their black appearance hence the name. Some people, even some doctors will suggest that you get rid of blackheads by using extractors or strips of specially developed plasters. While these treatments may work, they are...