Learning how to make money always starts with yourself; if you want to learn how to make money and become wealthy, you need to take a good look at your reflection first and honestly ask yourself what you can do to improve and enhance your strengths while reducing your weaknesses.
10 Tips for Learning How to Make Money by Looking Within
Know your interests. This will let you know what kind of your job youll be happiest of. Dont think about its profit potential first. What you should really be concerned about is to search for any interest that will make you enjoy work and get paid for something you love and dont mind to do!
Know your strengths and weaknesses in relation to your chosen field of profession. When youve identified your key interests, this will lead you to your chosen profession. And when that happens, its time to take a good look at your reflection and know what makes you strong and weak. Afterwards, we do things to improve our strengths and reduce or eliminate our weaknesses.
Invest effort in learning and gaining experience. Dont stop learning new things. It doesnt have to be directly connected with your chosen field all the time. Any...