It is normal for anyone to be exposed to situations and events that causes stress and anxiety. From work-related circumstances to schoolwork, these are unavoidable events that could make the person feel more tired and uptight. Stress can come from any thought or situation that would make a person feel frustrated, angry, or anxious. Anxiety on the other hand is a feeling of apprehension and fear. However, a little dose of stress can make a person more aware and alert of his surroundings, and this, in turn, could make a person more motivated and productive. It actually depends on how a person perceives the stress that they experience, if it is panic or somewhat a challenge. Normal stress can give protection from threatening situations, but prolonged stress can have the potential to damage a person’s health, including the brain.
Usually, when a stressful situation happens, our body reacts by releasing hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine. These specific hormones increase the heart rate and respiration, send out more blood to the skeletal muscles, dull pain, stimulate the immune system, and turn sugar and fat into energy. This reaction of the body...