LOTTERY a Mugs Game – Mugged by the Fat Cats
Winning the National lottery has to be every ones dream, who says money can’t buy happiness? I am afraid I beg to differ. The odds are against the few who states otherwise. Taking responsibility of new found status of being a millionaire is enough to put a smile on the face of any rags to riches punter.
Is there any proven Pick 3 method that pays out mega bucks? What are the odds in striking it lucky with birthday and anniversary dates? How much truth is in astrology where luck is on your side if you purchase a lottery ticket from a dark haired Venezuelan?
Gambling is a numbers game. In school we were taught to jumble our digits around then add them together, and should the numbers tally then hey presto you had the correct answer. Unfortunately should the numbers not total up it was time to solve the problem by looking for a solution.
In the national lottery a Pick 3 formula is all you need to rake it in, how wrong you are? To pick 3 lotto numbers expect a pocket full of pennies
Winning high stakes like the jackpot, you need to do your homework. Let us replace the word solution and...