In my experience as a counselor for 40 years, I have found that love addiction and approval addiction are far more prevalent than any other substance or process addictions. We live in a love-addicted, approval-addicted society.
What does it mean to be love/approval addicted? Below is a checklist for you to see if you are addicted to love and/or approval. Believing any of these may indicate love or approval addiction.
I believe that:
* My happiness and wellbeing are depended upon getting love from another person.
* My adequacy, lovability, and feelings of self-worth and self-esteem come from others liking me and approving of me.
* Others disapproval or rejection mean that Im not good enough.
* I cant make myself happy.
* I cant make myself as happy as someone else can.
* My best feelings come from outside myself, from how other people or a particular other person sees me and treats me.
* Others are responsible for my feelings. Therefore, if someone cares about me, he or she will never do anything that hurts or upsets me.
* I cant be alone. I feel like Ill die if Im alone.
* When Im hurt or upset, its...