I was born in 1965- a year often considered the first year of generation-x. The previous generation- the baby-boomers like my parents, grew up in a time of free love. My mother didnt take advantage of this but my father sure did, but thats another story.
Us gen-xers were the first generation to have to deal with AIDS and the fallout from it. Instead of the sexual revolution we had fear and loathing in our own pants.
Now as a Holistic Herpes Treatment Specialist I treat a lot of teenagers and people in the early twenties who are exploring their sexuality in a time were we are no longer nearly as afraid of AIDS as we were in the eighties but where almost everyone has herpes. I often see girls as young as 15 who already have herpes and who got it from their first sexual experience. No one told them they could get herpes from fellatio. No one told them much of anything about sexually transmitted infections. Its a sad sad thing to have to tell a teenager that they now have a life-long incurable disease and have to warn potential sex partners about it beforehand. This sentence drives many to the brink of despair. One 17 year old who got herpes from her first and only...