Introduction: low glycemic diets are good for everyone but the people who need these diets most are Diabetics and those trying to lose weight. Foods are measured by GI glycemic indexing.
What is glycemic indexing (GI)? The glycemic index ranks from 1 to 100.This is the method by which foods are measured and shows the amount a food will raise blood sugar and insulin levels. The rate at which your blood sugar rises is very important in managing diabetes and weight maintenance. High glycemic foods are those that are quickly digested and turned into sugar. They will cause a considerable rise in high blood sugar. Foods ranking 70 or greater on the GI scale are considered high glycemic foods. Examples of these foods are:
Foods high in sugar or glucose
* Baked or mashed potatoes
* White Rice
* White (not whole grain) bread
* Cookies, cakes, muffins, doughnuts-made with refined white flour
* Junk foods
Low glycemic foods include some fruits and vegetables they are 55 or less on the GI scale. Examples of these are:
* Most fruits (apples, pears, oranges, berries, etc.)
* High fiber grains (bran, whole grain wheats)