If you carry an outstanding balance on your credit card, youre not alone. Nearly 70% of Americans keep a balance on one of their credit cards from month to month. And many of these cards have sky-high rates, which add up to hefty amounts in interest expense. By switching to a low interest rate credit card, you can save hundreds of dollars in interest. Starting with great introductory offers, low interest rate credit cards help you get back on track while enjoying the benefits of a credit card.
Introductory Offers
Credit companies continually offer customers incentives to sign up for their cards. This often includes an initial 0% interest rate. Many low interest rate credit cards carry this 0% APR feature. It allows you to begin saving even before the low interest rate kicks in.
The interest-free time is yours to take advantage of. You can make purchases and pay for them over a period of a few months, with no additional cost. If you carry an outstanding balance on a different credit card, you can transfer it to your new one. Then pay off the debt during the 0% APR time period. Before you do so, though, be sure to check that the charge for a balance transfer...