Low Interest Rate Used Car Loan – Getting A Low Rate Auto Loan
If you are in the market for a used car loan, be prepared to negotiate a good deal. Initially, car salesmen try and convince prospective buyers to agree to a huge sales price and interest rate. Of course, this maneuver does not serve to your advantage. Instead, it boosts the dealerships profit margin. If you have good credit, you are in a position to negotiate a better deal. However, if you have a low credit score, here are a few tips to help you obtain a low rate auto loan.
Boost Credit Score and Rating
Before offering a low rate for a used auto loan, the dealership or financial institution will review your credit report. Credit reports indicate our credit worthiness. If you have several past due or missed payments, lenders will consider you a terrible applicant. If you are approved for credit, the lender will not offer you a low rate.
Improving your credit is the best option for getting a low rate used car loan. Although lenders will approve an applicant with bad credit, the fees, rate, and terms are awful. To avoid paying higher fees, delay the car buying process for at least six...