When planning to eliminate your credit card debt, you need to find the lowest possible interest rate. Whether you have your current rates lowered or you transfer your balances to a different credit card, you will save money.
When you pay a lower interest rate more of your monthly payment goes towards the principal balance. This is because your finance charges are lower on your account. You may also see your payment amount decrease. However, you should continue to pay as much as possible towards your credit card debts.
Credit card companies don’t usually offer to reduce your rates. However, some card issuers have started offering their good customers temporary rate decreases in order to entice them to spend more.
Get your last credit card statement and a few of the credit card offers you have received. Set aside a time when you can sit and talk on the phone for at least thirty minutes. Make sure you have a pen to write down who you talk with and what they say.
If you are a credit card holder in good standing, all you simply need to do is call your credit card company. Simply tell them that you have received several card offers in the mail from...