Putting is such an important part of your golf score. It is the part of your golf game that itself is a game. In order to become a good golfer you have to be able to putt well.
Think of your putter as just another club in your bag for a moment. In a normal round of 18 golf holes, lets say you use this club we call the putter just twice per hole. Thats 36 times you and your putter will have the opportunity to affect your golf score! Are going to hit your driver 36 times? Or your 7 iron 36 times? Not hardly.
Yet with such overwhelming statistics, most mid to higher handicap golfers really dont spend enough time working on their putting. In reality, it is the putter that can most rapidly improve your game. Just imagine, by improving your putting you could easily save yourself 10 strokes per round by consistently making those 4 to 6 foot putts and rarely three putting. Thats going from a golf score of 100 to 90 or 90 to 80! Thats very significant.
So with renewed focus and enthusiasm for improving our putting, lets take a look at a few tips we can use to doing so.
Position the ball slightly forward (toward your front foot) in your stance. You want your...