Lowering Credit Card Debt – 3 Tips To Eliminating Credit Card Debt
Eliminating your credit card debt is as simple as switching lenders. By finding better interest rates, you can shave off years from your payment schedule and save thousands of dollars in interest charges. With these three tips, even with the same monthly payment you can lower your credit card debt.
1. Get Better Rates On Your Card
Make your monthly payment go further by getting better rates on your credit cards. Opening a new account with an excellent introductory offer, like 0% on transfers, will immediately help you get a jump on paying off your debt. Just remember that some transfers are not allowed if the same financial company holds both cards.
If you dont qualify for low rates because of bad credit, check into debt consolidation services. They can negotiate lower rates with your creditors while handling your monthly payments for a small fee.
2. Divide And Conquer Your Debt
Once you have lowered your interest rates, you can begin to conquer your debt by paying off accounts with a strategy. Take the savings from your lower rates and apply it to the card with...