Do not put your hundred bucks and efforts to waste. Take good care of your cellphone and follow the nine basic precautions that will help save your gadget.
1. When sending a message, making a call, or doing any cellphone activity, make sure that the gadget is not pointing towards a person or an animal because the radiation of the electronic device is high and very dangerous to living cells and other essential parts of the body system. Whenever you make or answer a call, use your headset or Bluetooth headset just to make sure that you and your health won’t be affected by the emission of harmful radiation.
2. For your headsets, it is better if you have the cotton ear covers so that you won’t be in pain after the headset stays on your ears for a long duration on your ears.
3. Upon purchasing a mobile phone in an accredited store, they usually sell it in packages with your cell phone with its important basic accessories like the headset, and the charger. When you plug your chargers to outlets, make sure that the amount of volts corresponds accordingly. Also, it is recommended that you use a charger that is suitable for your cellphone to avoid...