Thinking positive can be a lot like lying to yourself. You tell yourself things that are not true in order to change your state of mind. Friends who tell you to think positive are sabotaging you without even knowing it.
Negative and limiting emotions are the playground for imbalance, unsure ness, worry and anxiety.
When you are caught up in your emotions, you are making decisions based on what you see through those emotional glasses. What we want to be able to do is to take off those emotional glasses so that you can make more clear choices based off of higher unlimited emotional states such as courageousness, acceptance and peace.
And once your there anything is possible. There are a lot of times that we cannot reach for what we want based off of the principals of the movie The Secret. Letting go of the emotions that hold you back are ways of implementing the movies guidelines so that you become everything it is that you want to be.
The trap that we fall into is all of the oppositional thoughts that come up when we use the principals of The Secret. All of those thoughts that say its not true. Such as:
I have all the money I need to pay my...