Regular maintenance of your vehicle will extend its life perhaps well beyond what you or others may think is its normal lifespan. Todays cars can easily top the 100,000 mile mark with many cars on the road exceeding 150,000, 200,000, even 250,000 miles. Ask owners of high mileage cars how they got to that point and most will point to their own rigorous and disciplined maintenance schedules as being the chief factor. By carefully and diligently following a maintenance schedule, you can extend your vehicles life too. Lets take a look at several important maintenance steps you must take in order to avoid costly repairs and to help you hold onto your vehicle longer.
Regular oil changes The 30 minute oil change specialists recommend that you change your oil every 3,000 miles or three months, while some manufacturers state you only need to change your oil once every 7,500 miles or six months. Opt for more frequent changes than lengthy manufacturer recommended intervals, but change your oil [and oil filter] every 3,000 miles if your car is subject to hard driving.
Change your air filter Your engine will run better and cleaner if you change your air filter...