If you are just starting out online then you are definitely beginning to figure out that sometimes everything can be difficult and even a little bit overwhelming and discouraging. There is definitely a lot for you to learn when you are trying to make money online and there is a lot more work involved than a lot of people would think. You cannot just get online and automatically start making millions of dollars just by clicking a few buttons and reading a few get rich quick books. Most times that is not how it happens at all, but is that not true for all things in your life? Try thinking of one skill that you did not have to develop over the course of your life in order to become something like an expert. The steps to mastering the internet are no different than learning to ride a bike for the first time — there are a lot of little setbacks but it is impossible not to progress if you just keep on trying and learning new techniques and setting new goals for yourself.
One of the tricks to online success is to not jump in all at once and just think that you will succeed based on sheer force and effort. Work is a big part of making money doing anything but you still...