Cold calling, the old way, has to be the most painful form of sales work you can experience. Theres a lot of rejection, fear, and deflated hopes.
But theres a new way to make cold calling as pleasant and relaxed as picking up the phone and talking to a friend. Just follow these steps, and your cold calls can become an enjoyable part of your day.
1. Rip Up Your Sales Script and Start a Conversation
If youve been selling for a while, youve probably used a sales script. Perhaps using a script is the only way you know to start a cold call.
But people can almost always tell when you’re reading from a script, even if you think youre pretty good at it. There’s just nothing personal about it, and people pick up on that.
A script isnt a conversation. Its a linear process designed to move the other person toward a sale. Youre not having a real dialogue when youre using a script. So nothing is “real” about the whole encounter.
A conversation, on the other hand, is a living, breathing relationship. Youre two real people, talking normally and naturally.
So when youre just being yourself, the other persons walls can...