There are several mediums in which you can make money. If you dont have money, well pretty much you cant live a very comfortable life. There are countless ways to put the green presidents in your pocket in legal ways. You could get a job, work for someone, do porn, or you can sell stuff on Craigslist. These are just a few of the numerous ways to make dollars and live a happy life. One of the things I just mentioned is selling stuff on Craigslist to make money. Well this is a terrific idea if you want to capitalize on this idea.
Craigslist is one of the best mediums in which to advertise something you want to get rid of and make a few bucks. The best part about Craigslist is that the service is completely free. If you were to go to your local newspaper location, they might charge you up to ten dollars a day to advertise something that you wan to sell. Other places also charge you money in order for you to advertise something. Why pay money when you are trying to make money right? Craigslist is so much better because you have the potential to make the maximum amount of money you want to receive for whatever you are trying to get off your hands.