Cash back credit cards are a fantastic way for you to make some cash while spending on your credit card, although it does only suit the customers who pay their bill in full at the end of each month.
A cash back credit card will give you the chance to earn as you spend, as a percentage is returned to you on an annual basis for every pound that you have spent. This is usually set at between 0.5% and 2% depending on how generous the credit card lender is. I cannot stress enough, you must be able to pay off your credit card statement in full each month, and this is the only way that a cash back credit card will work for you.
If you are a borrower then a cash back credit card will only cost you, even though you will be earning a little back, you will find that this will be eaten up and more by the interest charges, which are usually on a higher scale of APR.
Is a cash back credit card for everyone?
By not incurring the interest payments, then for every pound that you spend on the card you will see a little coming back to you. If you pay your credit card balance in full every month, then why not switch to a cash back credit card. A cash back credit...