Its hard to imagine that you earn money with a credit card if you manage your debt correctly, but ever since Egg got the jump on its competitors with the 0% Egg Card on Christmas Day in 2000, you can actually make money with credit cards balance transfers is how you do it!
Of course, today nearly all of Egg Cards competitors have had to follow the lead of Egg and not only offer introductory 0% interest rates, but also offer cardholders of other cards 0% interest periods if they agree to transfer their outstanding balances to the new card provider. As a result, if you take advantage of one cards introductory offer of 0% for the duration of the offer and then transfer the balance to another card provider, and there are a lot of card issuers, you should be able to shuffle your debt management around so as to be able to make money with credit cards balance transfers can save you a fortune.
Having said that, some credit card issuers have now cottoned on to the fact that holders have become debt management savvy and are transferring their balances around several difference providers to maximise their 0% interest period and have introduced certain counter measures;...