If you are a stock trader, how often do you base your buy and sell decision on technical analysis? If you use technical indicators in your trades, Ashkon Stock Predictor can help you make closer predictions of the stock market. Thanks to the dozens of simple pre-defined trading strategies and literally hundreds of combined ones, there will be no lack of strategy for any stock and any market situation. Choose the right trading strategy and increase your trading profits with Stock Predictor! Download Free Trial (16 MB)
Traditionally, analytical packages for the stock market cost thousands of dollars, and require their operators a high degree of competency in mathematical statistics. Ashkon Software innovative product provided, for the first time, an intuitive and simple to use graphical user interface to the complex process of trading, analyzing data and making predictions. Stock Predictor allows you to make weighted decisions on whether to buy, sell, hold, or avoid a particular stock or stock index by plotting stock charts and technical indicators. You can glance at the charts and make a quick trade decision, or scrutinize them with any of the built-in trading...