Make Sure You Have A Safety Net To Fall Back On, With Payment Protection
If you have loans or credit cards then you would be wise to give some thought to taking out payment protection insurance to cover the monthly repayments of your commitments. While right now you might be able to safely pay them without a struggle or even on the other hand, you might have already stretched your outgoings to their limit, if you were to come out of work for a period of time then you would still have to keep up the repayments.
Payment protection insurance (PPI) is taken out to ensure that you wont have to struggle if the worst comes to the worst. It can give you peace of mind and time to get back on your feet and back to work should you be unable to work due to having an accident, long term sickness or involuntary redundancy.
In the majority of cases the cover is offered by the lender at the time of taking out the loan or credit card, and, shockingly, in some cases it is wrongly just added onto the cost of the loan without a consumer even knowing until its too late. When you get a quote for a loan you should always ask if the repayments include payment protection...