When youve worked for a company for several years, doing the same thing over and over again eight hours a day and five days a week, its easy to become too comfortable and too complacent. You become so stuck in your routine that the idea of doing something else is nothing short of alarming. Indeed, many people waste away in mediocre jobs and living mundane lives, and they dont even know it.
The Big Ski Jump
Eventually, though, youll find yourself wondering if getting yelled at on the phone by irate customers or filling out the same invoices repeatedly is what you want to do for the rest of your life. You start thinking about the things youre genuinely interested in and the dreams you used to have. You probably wanted to be a doctor, a painter, a dancer, or even a skiing instructor. Youll realize how far youve strayed from that picture you once drew of yourself as a child and stuck on the refrigerator. Its frustrating, but its never too late. Colorado refinance can still make it possible for you to be a skiing instructor. Its just a matter of taking that flying leap from a snow-covered peak literally.
How Soon Is Now?
Indeed, its a big jump, but its...