Since it has become very difficult to purchase anything without a credit card, one consideration to helping raise a credit score, and ultimately a credit rating when you are having trouble getting a credit card is to get a pre-paid card. Many lenders offer a pre-paid Visa or Master Card, which for all purposes look and work just like credit cards. The main difference is, instead of purchasing things strictly on credit, you make a deposit into a bank account that secures the amount of the card limit. Often there is a deposit fee required for opening a pre-paid credit account, and your limit is based upon the size of the deposit that has been pre-paid. The advantages of prepaid cards include that they really can help with credit repair; and, if in fact your credit is really in bad shape, they may be your only option for repairing it.
The best solution to credit problems is to exercise some debt management skills and pay your bills as on-time as possible while avoiding spending money on items you do not really have a need for. Making wise decisions about spending and considering the implications of the decisions from all perspectives will help you make better overall...