Making a long distance call from a military base overseas, just got a lot easier.
For service members to acquire the choice calling rates from OEF/OIF, senders should take advantage of the retrenchment and buy the Military Interchange 550 and 300 Minute Prepaid Card as it offers superior function when calling from abroad.
Although telephone cards are handy at many metropolitan retailers, they do not tender the genuine value when placing international calls to the U.S as compared to the Military Interdependence 600 and 180 Minute Global Prepaid Phone Card.
Prepaid phone cards are typically intended and marketed for usage only within the 48 conterminous states by various retailers as the cards are usually sold for domestic service. Domestic retailers do not bull’s-eye nor bargain low priced international calling rates to the U.S. Hence, they tenor international long distance prices higher, as their target market is domestic.
Military service members may be sent prepaid calling cards from home or provided pro bono prepaid cards from special organizations; inasmuch, the Military Connection does not sway the negotiated rates for these products...