Have you ever considered making biodiesel? Well now is the time to start considering it. Anyone who reads the papers knows that fossil fuels are hurting our environment. Increased emissions of greenhouse gases are polluting the atmosphere and creating the effect of global warming. The effects are already seen in rising temperatures, poor air quality, acid rain, and failing health.
An additional dilemma with fossil fuels is that the resources are becoming fast depleted. Although technically renewable, nature fills fossil fuel reserves at a very slow rate, and companies tap them very quickly. With the combined effect of fossil fuels being required, they are also bad for the environment and soon to be gone as the world is finding itself in an awful dilemma. Yet this dilemma may be solvable by making biodiesel fuel as an affordable and clean alternative.
In the past, we have attempted to solve the fossil fuel problem using a combination of two methods. The first method has been to encourage people to use less fuel through education. This is ineffective and unnecessary. Although some people may be excessive in their fuel consumption, our societys dependence upon...