Making Money From Sports Apparel Being Manufacturer Or A Distributor
Every year, thousands of shirts, shorts, pants, jackets and other accessories are produced every year. This can be for brands like Nike, Reebok, Champion and Adidas to name a few that are made in different countries and sold around the world.
Research shows that between 2004 and 2005, the importation of these goods rose by more than four percent. This is about $24 billion in apparel alone that analysts predict will continue to grow as people are becoming more health conscious.
If the person wants to make some money, then getting into the sports apparel business can be rewarding. All the entrepreneur has to do is tie up with a major company then have the equipment to do the products or have it outsourced elsewhere.
Having it done in another country is the trend in the manufacturing industry. This is because the costs of labor outside are much cheaper than doing it back home. The biggest market not only for sports apparel but a wide range of other products is China.
As long as these suppliers follow the guidelines set by the client, there wont be any problems with the flow of...