Drop Shipping- An Innovative Method to Add Profits from EBay many people are taking up selling on EBay as a means of alternative income. Over the years, Internet has developed into a medium of e-commerce and slowly it is being filled with virtual supermarkets. Today everyone wants a piece of the pie, which is the Internet.
Everyone wants to make quick bucks and get rich overnight. Sounds like right out of a fairy tale. Selling online has become the easiest way to earn money.
Websites like eBay, Yahoo Shopping and many others allow individuals to conduct online auctions and buy and sell products online.
Majority of sellers on eBay comprise of homemakers, college going teenagers, and even people who work fulltime but sell their products during their spare time. All this effort is for getting rich overnight!
The Story Behind
Selling on EBay is getting more popular because the costs involved for setting up your store on EBay are almost negligible.
The initial setup cost for a basic auction is a nominal as 25 cents and includes description and one picture. However, eBay charges a percentage of the final bid price. That is very less for the...