Being a student is not a hindrance to make money. We have heard of so many stories about working students who ended up more successful than full time students. These part time students practiced good management and were able to work their way through college or were able to support family while still in school. Making money while in school is not just an option for the poor.
If you are a student and you want to make money for good reasons like fulfilling a hobby that is complementary to what you are taking up ins school then this article would hopefully be of great help to you. A good example would be a literature major who wants to gather enough money to attend weekend writing seminars showcasing great authors or teachers. We will help this literature major student make money while in school.
The first suggestion is not far. In almost every school, there are programs for students. One would be to work in the school library, if you love books then it would be not so hard to you to help the librarian in putting the books back to where they belong. There are also certain departments in school that needs help in arranging documents or finding documents in an array...