Webmasters looking for ways to earn extra money from their sites can add Google ads. All you need to is sign up for a Google Adsense account and add a simple code on your site pages. Google Adsense will then run ads on your site that is relevant to your content.
It is possible for webmasters to earn a living from Adsense. It may seem difficult, but it is not impossible.
If you are interested in making Google Adsense your only source of income you do will need to do more than just adding the code to your site. There is experimenting with placements, formats and choice of keywords. Placing the code will earn a webmaster a few extra dollars, but earning a living will require more work on the part of the webmaster.
If you are building sites especially to earn the Google Adsense income you really should build your pages around a specific topic or keyword that is relevant to your site content. This helps Adsense ads to display appropriately on your pages to ensure visitors who want to know more about your topic will more likely end up clicking on the Adsense ad.
Placement of ads can be important. Studies consistently show a visitor often first look to the...