Being a student in college can be fun, especially if you have access to funds – without having to worry about always carrying cash with you. A student credit card can take care of many of those problems and provide you with a credit rating for later on, too. Here are a few things you need to know about how to select a student credit card that will be just right for you.
Two Kinds Of Cards
If you already have a credit rating, then you may be able to apply for a regular credit card. Otherwise, you will probably have to settle for a secured credit card. These kind of credit cards require a deposit of close to the amount of the credit limit on the card – and some even more. There is usually a higher rate of interest, an annual fee, and oftentimes there are other ones, too. You will probably want to stick with the major companies, though, since there are scams connected with this type of credit card.
Check The Interest Rate And Fees
Every credit card has an interest rate. It only applies however, after the introductory offer, and if you leave a balance on the credit card or pay late. Your introductory offer can be anywhere between three and...