What should you do on a fourth and two with only one minute left on the clock and a three point difference? Should you punt or should you try a field goal to create a tie? These kinds of decisions plague coaches throughout their history and career in the NFL. From the sidelines to the head office, decision-making is a large part of professional sports. However the NFL is on a recent series of decision-making or decision-stalling that has led many to criticize the commissioner’s office and the way decisions are made.
45 second rule
It’s no secret that one of the providential prosperities of the NFL has been its relationship with the media. From Monday night football to ESPN Sports Center, access of the media to NFL players, parks and offices has been the hallmark of a stellar relationship. However, online journalism with its independent reporters and the streaming videos has posed a problem for the NFL as they have no ability to control content or manage a relationship with every blog writer with a webcam. The NFL created the 45 second rule, which states online journalists may only show 45 seconds worth of material about their club or players each and...