The term “male menopause” is used to refer to the condition of men who have hormone levels drop after mid-life.
Male menopause is a subject of controversy in the medical society. In the case of women, menopause is related with the termination of a bodily operation, like when the monthly menstruation periods stop. Also, a critical drop in the hormone levels in women occurs along with menopause. For these reasons, doctors are debating on whether male menopause really exists.
In the case of men in their middle and elderly years, smaller quantities of testosterone are being created by the testicles. This is believed to be the underlying reasons behind the occurrence of symptoms of male menopause.
Men with menopause usually suffer from irritability, sleep disturbance, low sex drive, sweating, anxiety, sadness, memory problems, and erectile dysfunction.
In most cases, erectile dysfunction may be caused by other disorders. But testosterone deficiency may be one possibility.
It is important that men who suffer from symptoms related to low levels of testosterone be subjected to medical investigations like blood tests to evaluate...