Q: I started my small business about a year ago and it’s grown steadily. I like having my own business, but I’m having a tough time managing people. I have 5 employees now and it seems like I spend half my time making sure they are doing what they’re supposed to be doing and the other half of my time doing things they didn’t get done. Things were much easier when I was a one man shop. Any suggestions?
— Paul C.
A: Ah, Paul, welcome to the wonderful world of employee management, the bane of many a business owner’s existence. I hope you have a full head of hair now, because depending on how quickly you get a grip on this situation, you could end up bald in a very short time. And if you’re starting out bald all you can do is put on a cap and read on.
Some business experts will tell you that managing people is an art. Others will tell you that managing people is a skill. I’m going to tell you that managing people is more like herding cats. Just when you think you have them all going in the same direction one will run off and you have to go catch it. And by the time you get back with the stray cat the rest of the...