If you have a number of outstanding student loans, you may want to consider student loan debt consolidation. You will eliminate having many bills to pay on your student loans, and the total monthly payments can be significantly reduced as compared to the normal ten year payback option. A special program called FFEL (Federal Family Education Loan Program) allows commercial institutions, such as credit union, banks and other lenders to grant debt consolidation loans for the purpose of consolidating educational debt. In addition, the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program allows for the federal government to grant student debt consolidation loans.
The majority of federal education loans can be included in these programs, whether or not they are loans that have been subsidized by the government. These include the FFEL Stafford loans, Health Education Assistance Loans, Federal Nursing Loans, Federal Perkins Loans and SLS. Note that private education loans are not eligible for the debt consolidation programs.
If you need to find out whether your loan is eligible for a student loan debt consolidation, you should contact the appropriate Direct Loan...