As we stand back an look at life, have you ever wonder why some do some don’t? Why some people have things and others don’t. Is it fate or is it action? The manifistation of success can’t be fate. It has to be action or the lack of. If you sit back and do nothing, nothing is accomplished. Success is a state of mind that becomes a reality. Why? Because there was action. A thought, a dream, a desire was put into action in one way or another. A loser or failure usually comes from inaction or the lack of serious consideration of what one it doing.
Case in point. We all have our set backs. Things happen outside of our control. But how you handle it makes all the differince in the world. If you sit back and say I am doomed and do little to nothing you probaly will be. But if in your mindset you accept the worst thing that can come out of it, then you are free to solve the problem. What I’m saying is that if you don’t clear the way for your mind by accepting the problem you will have a very hard time solve it, because your worrying about it.
It goes back to what the mind can concieve and believe the body can achieve. You have to think...