For most Go kart enthusiasts, it is already a known fact that the transmission plays a very important role in the mechanism of the Go kart. Because of the transmission system, the driver gets to manage the speed of the kart.
What is the Transmission?
A transmission system, simple in its kind, consists of a number of gears and these are responsible for controlling the speed of the equipment.
Engines have this rev limit and going past this, expect that the engine will blow up. This limitation is commonly known the redline. This is where transmission comes in. it allows the changing of gears in order for the gear ratio connecting the engine and the drive wheels changes the moment you speed up or slow down. This mechanism allows the engine to stay below the redline while still keeping up with the optimal revs per minute or rpm. The transmission is vital to maintain the greatest possible rpm while making it sure that the engine does not overheat and eventually blow up.
Manual Transmission
Having a manual transmission is definitely more challenging than riding one that has an automatic transmission system but definitely more exciting and fulfilling...